The Department of Public Safety provides support services for the victims of sensitive crimes to include hate crimes, sexual assault, relationship violence, workplace, and stalking. The department has a law enforcement advocate who works cooperatively with the DPS Detectives, Office of Student Life, Psychological Services, and Human Resources to ensure individuals are knowledgeable about their options for personal and workplace safety planning. The department also has a specialized detective who engages survivors in an effort to facilitate reporting and any necessary communications with other municipal agencies to include the Providence Police Department involving sensitive crimes and case follow-up.
The department coordinates events and programming that serves to raise awareness about such sensitive crimes. DPS also offers self-defense and various safety programs for all students and staff. We can also direct you to the many victim service providers that are available in the State of Rhode Island.
A trained law enforcement advocate (non-police position) is available to provide post-crisis support to persons who report they have been a victim of a crime. Services available include:
- Victim advocacy and support
- Individual and workplace safety-planning
- Review of Rhode Island victim rights, related law, legal definitions of crimes, and related legislation
- Provide transportation and accompaniment to local courts for pretrial and restraining order hearings
- Provide resource information, as well as referrals to external agencies servicing victims of crime, and their families in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts
- Explain options and procedures for reporting
- Explain protective orders and related court procedures
- Intimate partner & stalking awareness sessions
These services are available to staff, faculty, and students. Individuals who wish to become more informed about any of the aforementioned areas, or would like to develop an individualized plan for safety, are welcome to also make an appointment.
Please note: Those who seek our services are NOT required to file a police report. However, Title IX reporting may apply. For more information about these services, please contact the Title IX office.
The following services are available as needed:
DPS Law Enforcement Advocate: Quiana Young, please contact at
Department Detectives play an integral role in providing support and case follow-up for crime victims at Brown. DPS Detectives are available to assist a community member with filing a criminal complaint and will provide a full overview of the option prior to moving forward. Please call (401) 863-5376 or (401) 863-3412 to reach a detective.
Student Life Support Services needed after business hours, such as the administrator-on-call, psychological services clinician-on-call and/or the sexual assault crisis counselor, please contact (401) 863-3322.
DPS Dispatch can assist you if you need to reach a member of the DPS, please call (401) 863-3322.
Our Professional Standards Bureau is available if you would like to offer input on an officer and/or the department, or gain further information on your encounter with an officer, please contact (401) 863-3313.
If you would like to file a commendation, complaint, or inquiry if you have been stopped by a member of the Department of Public Safety and you are unsure of the reason why, we invite you to visit our page on Making Commendations, Complaints, & Inquiries.
Survivor Resource Guide: Help After Sexual Harm:
This interactive online guide provides Brown University students an overview of options for support, medical care, reporting an incident, and other needs. Some options are time-sensitive. To access the Survivor Resource Guide visit or scan this QR code: