The Brown Fire Safety Office is an integral part of the Department of Public Safety. The Fire Safety Office provides resources and education to promote a fire safe campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The office provides Emergency Action Plan (EAP) training, fire extinguisher inspections and training, building and residential hall fire safety inspections, hot work and building impairment permitting, event fire safety and a variety of fire safety education and training.
Department of Public Safety
Fire Safety
The Brown Fire Safety Office is an integral part of the Department of Public Safety.
Fire Safety
The Brown Fire Safety Office is an integral part of the Department of Public Safety.
Brown University has detailed the rules and restrictions which must be adhered to in order to enforce fire prevention in residence halls. In the event of a fire or fire alarm, Brown University has standard emergency evacuation procedures which should be followed.
Brown University has detailed the rules and restrictions which must be adhered to in order to enforce fire prevention in off-campus housing units. In the event of a fire or fire alarm, Brown University has standard emergency evacuation procedures which should be followed.
The responsibility for fire safety in laboratories and research buildings is shared between all the occupants of the building.
Brown University has established a Hot Work Program to minimize the potential for a fire incident to occur as a result of Hot Work on campus. This purpose is consistent with the loss prevention approach of the EHS office. All Hot Work permit requests must be requested and approved by the Fire Safety Office.
The Life Safety System Impairment Program has been developed in order to track and communicate life safety system shutdowns and impairments to fire protection (sprinkler systems) and fire alarm systems. The Fire Safety Office reviews and approves impairment requests on a case by case basis. Hot work is generally not allowed to occur in the same area affected by an impairment.
Whenever 50 or more persons attend an event inside a Brown University property, the individual sponsor or a representative of the sponsoring organization must review the Fire Safety for Events policy prior to the event and assure compliance with the specified procedures before and during the event.
The Brown EAP was developed to ensure the safety of Students, Faculty, Staff and visitors in the event of a fire or other emergency. The EAP provides information on evacuation procedures, emergency contact information, hostile intruder guidance, sheltering in place and fire prevention